Lumson - Sustainable skincare & makeup products for primary packaging

Responsible company for responsible packaging

Lumson is committed to offering
products that meet all the
sustainable criteria defined by the
circular economy process

Discover our 2023 Sustainability Report

Lumson’s Sustainability Report 2023 was subject to external assurance by ICMQ S.p.A.
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To improve skills and be up-to-date on the latest evolutions

Fondazione Politecnico di Milano

Institutional partner of
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano


Recyclass as a platinum member in order to be constantly updated both in technical and sustainable products terms to better anticipate all market requests. Lumson applies Recyclass' design criteria and measures the environmental impact through the product life cycle analysis on the SPICE platform.


Spice (Sustainable Packaging Initiative for CosmEtics) as the most valuable eco-design tool that measures and reduces the environmental footprint of any cosmetic packaging throughout its life cycle. With SPICE Lumson is aimed at solving one of the main sustainability challenges: including eco-design inside packaging development.

Our Commitments

Packaging in full compliance with People, Process and Planet


Lumson shows its environmental performances with CDP.

Climate Change score: B
Forest score: C
Water Security score: B


Lumson Headquarters, the plants of Capergnanica, Santa Maria di Sala, Ticengo, Credera and San Giuliano Milanese are certified
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 4500

and awarded with the GOLD RATING ESG by IIP

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Lumson - Sustainable skincare & makeup products for primary packagingLumson Headquarters and the site of Credera are FSC certified. FSC helps take care of forests for future generations. Certified products available on request.



Lumson’s performance in relation to environment, ethics, labour and human rights, was awarded the Ecovadis Gold Medal in 2025.

Lumson - Sustainable skincare & makeup products for primary packaging


Lumson selected KPMG as the consultant partner for the renovated 2023 Sustainability Report


Lumson is committed to measuring energy efficiency to optimize and reduce its use in each production branch.


The company is investing in a reshoring program for each product category


Our goal is to design our products with a focus on their impact on the environment from production to the end use.

Lumson uses raw materials that meet both technical and international regulatory requirements. All the components in direct contact with formulas are made with raw materials suitable for contact with food.


Glass is an excellent sustainable material because it is 100% recyclable without compromising on quality. In addition, it can be recycled an infinite number of times. Lumson offers a wide range of bottles and jars available in PCR GLASS.


Lumson produces a vast range of cosmetics packaging using a variety of eco-friendly plastic materials: from recyclable and PCR plastics to bio based materials.


Aluminium is the most common natural metal on Earth. It is a light, versatile and ecological material, that can be recycled countless times without losing its qualities. Aluminium is a sustainable alternative material and helps to achieve sustainability goals.


Paper is the most natural material in the world, versatile, recyclable and pleasing to touch. The perfect solution for packaging with an eco-design approach.

Lumson - Sustainable skincare & makeup products for primary packaging


Reducing is a priority for Lumson. To increase the restitution rate and to make more efficient packaging, the company eliminates the use of every unnecessary component and makes products lighter by using materials with a lower specific weight.


More packaging with refillable features will be added to Lumson's portfolio. All designed to be easy to use and to take into account the complete life cycle of a product


Lumson is aimed at increasing the use of:
- post consumer recycled materials derived from mechanical and chemical recycling, which is always monitored in terms of availability and tested upon agreements with clients;
- materials with high recyclability efficiency with well consolidated supply chains for glass, aluminum and paper.
- recyclable plastic packaging solutions, specifically developed to facilitate the separation of components;
- the reduction of thermoplastic resins for which there are no recycling supply chains in favour of those that already exist.